West Malling Chiropractic Clinic

Healthier Spine
Healthier Life

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Just as cavities take a while to form, spinal misalignments happen over time throughout life. We’ll help you realign your spine and encourage you to live better and maintain a higher level of health.

To help you enjoy a healthier life we offer chiropractic care tailored to you preferences.

British Chiropractic Association General Chiropractic Council

Going the distance

With a team that’s been here from the beginning, our staff and patients are like family. We offer an individualised service to each member of your family. As part of our commitment to providing personalised care, we know all of our patients by their first name.

Experience enhancements

Extended hours
For those commuting home after work we are open later for your convenience.

Thorough care
We correct the underlying problem so you can heal.

Health Talks
We’ll discuss ways to enhance your healing so you can stay well.

Opening hours

8am - 8pm
7.30am - 3pm
7.30am - 8pm
7.30am - 3pm


New Patient Consultation
Treatment Appointment
Nikolaj Krogsgaard

Meet Nikolaj Krogsgaard

Nikolaj is known for providing a very thorough, deep adjustment. He offers muscle work and adjustments for a comprehensive approach to healing. Nikolaj works closely with local West Malling group practices.

Clinic Gallery
How to find us

West Malling Chiropractic Clinic
116 High Street, West Malling
Kent ME19 6NE

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